That's Adorable!

On our recent podcast episode (#1) we talked a bit about Eucharistic adoration, and how that can be a kind of pilgrimage that is easily accessible.  It was interesting in researching the podcast, that the concept has been around since the beginning of  Christianity, when the host would be reserved for the sick or dying.  In religious communities in the 2nd and 3rd centuries adoration would take place.

Now, when I grew up our parish never had adoration, nor was I exposed to it until about 15 years ago.  This despite the fact that 40 hour devotions have been around for centuries.  It seems like the practice, the simple act of adoring our Lord present in the Eucharist went away for while.

I enjoy my time spent in adoration, as both physically and spiritually it is the time I feel closest to God.  Whether it is my hour in a nearly empty adoration chapel in silence, or with a dozens of fellow Catholics at a holy hour, this time in contemplation, reflection, prayer, and interior quiet is a glorious gift.  One of many such gifts our faith tradition provides.  I encourage you to take advantage of this devotion, whether in a formal setting or just time in front of the tabernacle.  The graces that come this are abundant.

We'll see you on the road!