It's a question that I thought about a lot, and I know gets raised today. Why is it called Good Friday?
Now in one sense, as a choir director whose choir sings at Holy Thursday, Easter Vigil, and one of the Easter Sunday Masses, "Good" Friday makes sense, as it is the only day of the Triduum I don't have to plan and direct at a liturgy, so... that's good. In another sense, it's good, because the liturgy is one of my favorites all year, and I can go to the Veneration of the Cross, and let myself be immersed in the liturgy, rather than be busy during it.
But really when it get's boiled down, Good Friday is Good precisely because of the Crucifixion, and Crown of Thorns, and scourging at the pillar.
Isaiah foretold many things, including this about Good Friday: (IS 53:5)
Yet it was our pain that he bore,
our sufferings he endured.
We thought of him as stricken,
struck down by God* and afflicted,
But he was pierced for our sins,
crushed for our iniquity.
He bore the punishment that makes us whole,
by his wounds we were healed.
We had all gone astray like sheep,
all following our own way;
But the LORD laid upon him*
the guilt of us all.
God gives humanity, his creation, redemption from the the sin of Adam, through the sacrifice of His Son, who was fully man and fully God. But like a loving parent, God doesn't make it easy. You know when you did something really wrong as a child, like dent the fender of a car when you weren't supposed to drive it, your parents made you empty your savings account to pay to fix it. God doesn't just snap his finger for redemption of our sins. Oh he could have, but we have to earn it. We earn it through recounting the death, brutal and cruel of His Son, we earn it through works of mercy, we earn it though adoration and praise of the one who suffered for our sins, and we earn redemption through the sacraments, especially penance.
And none of the efforts we make to earn redemption would have been possible without the Crucifixion. Without Good Friday. And without that chance for redemption, we have no chance at Heaven.
So, yeah, there's a lot that is Good about it.